Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Race preperation

I am looking forward to this race, I have been reading Friel's training bible, and I am going to try doing my preparaton and warm up differently. I usually dont do much of a warm up, I was afraid of burning out my legs early. This race I am going to do a longer warm up, with a couple high intensity spins thrown in (on the preride). I plan getting there around 9am, registering, and riding about 30 mins to warm up, then have about 15 mins to rest, and hydrate. See you guys there, and good luck. Im riding tuesday and wednsday nights so maybe ill see you guys out there.


rg said...

dmars... how about a link to the training bible that you speak of?

rg said...

side note... wow, its wet out there. Muddy.

I saw more rain in the forcast for this week.

crewcabrob said...

OK, since at least one of you have raced, I'm seeking your vast knowledge. What extras not related to cycling should I bring? Besides the cooler and goodies inside, I plan on bringing extra clothes and a lawn chair. Is there anything that you took to the races last year that will make it better for sitting around for 5 hours? That includes both before and after racing.
Cycling related stuff I plan on brining up are various lubes, tools, extra parts, repair stand and my biking stuff. Any tips the from the wise ones?

dmars said...

I purchased the book at b and n last weekend, I can loan it to you when i finish if you want. http://www.amazon.com/Mountain-Bikers-Training-Bible/dp/1884737714
I rode the road today, my sister and I went down the west papio for 18 miles, hopefully tranquility dries enough for wed night.
Rob I cant think of much else to bring. Extra shoes, a towel to dry off with, hat, and some food and drink.

crewcabrob said...

Sounds good to me. I had most of that on my list for the trip up.

I got a quick blast in last night around Holmes lake and back to the house. I kept a good average speed up for the entire duration and it felt really good to get out and spin. Tonight I will be riding again, nothing real hard, but at least 12 miles to just keep the momentum going. Then I'm taking the bike apart and getting it ready for Saturday. I'm nervous, but very excited too.

I would love to take a look at the book, but don't need to borrow it. I appreciate the offer. There are only going to be a few things I want to look at and hit real quick.