Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What did you do with your Tuesday?

I went and rode some of the Silvercreek wagon trail. It's about a 10 minute ride from where we stay in Georgetown, Colorado to get there. Don't let the name fool you. It's only wide enough for a wagon for about 100 feet of the 5 mile length. Personally, I like riding in Nebraska better. Generally, if you screw up there, it won't cost you life or limbs. But, if you like riding on softball sized rocks on a 2 foot wide trail with a 30+ ft. drop-off to a nice cushy landing on jagged rocks, this is right up your alley! The trail is carved into the mountains on the south side of the I-70 corridor and is about 1/3 of the way up the mountain. Straight up on one side of the trail, straight down on the other. The little road in the background is I-70. Check out the pics.


dmars said...

Wow I am officially jealous

rg said...

Sweet! I concur about the "scary" factor of losing a limb or your life if you mis handle your bike! Super cool though. I'd love to have ridden it with you!

Greg said...

Looks cool!