You have exactly 30 minutes - the goal: RIDE 10 MILEs in that time or shorter (he said he wants it to ride 10 miles in 28 minutes! - by the first MTB race this year)
If you can pull off 10 miles in 30 mins, you averaged 20 MPH! I'm gonna give it a go tonight. How far can you go in a 30 minute time trial?!!! Let's see! I know that I struggle to get past 9 miles in that time!
I don't think I can do it. I usually ride between 14 to 15 mph and ramp it up to 20 mph for a few minutes through out the ride. I think riding that fast for 30 minutes would be hard, but I will give it a try
I tried it tonight. It took me 31:30 to get to 10 miles. I averaged 19 mph.
It was not easy! My junky hear rate monitor said that I only burned 198 calories. I think not!
I did it in 30:01 yesterday morning for 10.02 miles (avg. speed 20.0 mph with average wattage output of 210 watts). The upside of that time is it's 23 seconds faster than I did it before the first mtb race in Norfolk last year!
What a better way to measure your fitness than "The Race of Truth"? It sucks while you're doing it, but it's nice to look back on!
I'll have to up the average speed to about 21.5 mph to break the 28 minute mark! My TT has a couple pretty good sized hills in it, I might give a flat one a try just to see what kind of time I turn (plus it should hurt a bit less :)!)
I tried it tonight and at the 20 min mark I was slowing down. At the 30 min mark I was only at 7.75 miles. I will try it again next time.
Ted, how much to do ride this ride? I was thinking about doing it once a week? - track progress that way. Or is that too much?
Once a week is good. I'm not always feelin' it once a week though, but I try. If you're riding 3-4x per week, then go for it. I wouldn't make it my only ride of the week though - that would make it hard on the motivation!
- Greg, what kind of HR were you putting out? Do you have your trainer set at a super high resistance?
The other thing you guys can do is intervals. Think of them as wind sprints on a bike. Start out by going hard for 45 seconds to 1 minute (hard like legs burning, wanting to stop after 1 minute - 9 on a scale of 10 for hardness) then pedal easy for 2 minutes or so to recover. Do 2 sets of 3-5.
As they get easier, shorten the "rest" time by 30 seconds (1 minute hard, 1:30 rest). Eventually you can work your way down to 1 minute hard, 1 minute rest and beyond if you're vigilant and even up your sets to 3 from 2.
The time trial is great for maximal sustained effort over a 30 minute period. The intervals are good for recovery (think climb a hill hard, get a little rest going down the other side and be ready to ride hard again when you hit the bottom on the flats or next climb).
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